The My Chemical Romance Fan: Day two (17th Dec 2008)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day two (17th Dec 2008)

Well, as I was saying, the first damn day I didn't sleep at all! At about 6.30am in the morning, Mindy and the others went out to eat Mcdonalds. She asked me and Ivan what we want to eat. After saying our orders, they left and we went back to sleep. I could not sleep as well for one full hour. After they came back, I had already woke up and washed up. After enjoying the set meal that Jian Wei bought for me, Ivan woke up. Thereafter, it was his turn to eat, we went outside the chalet (a stone's throw away) and chat whilst he was having his little meal. We chat about what we want to do later. By the way, Ivan is staying until 12pm and he has to leave. This is because he has to work the next day.

After eating, we went out to the nearby downtown east shopping centre and have a damn look. Just then, Leonard came out if the chalet and said he is finding a toilet as Mark is using it inside. He wandered off alone and me and Ivan went off our stroll. The fk'n shopping centre is so damn empty and I supposed that it have not opened yet. It was merely 8am in the morning. Coincidentally, we met Leonard on the way and he kept saying he is not tired but he fell asleep once we returned to the chalet.

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